Thursday, 11 January 2018

Felt flowers

Hi, it's been a long time since I've posted and I am starting as I mean to go on. I am currently making love shrines out of paper mache and felt. 
This post is how I made flowers for my new shrine following a You tube video by The Flower Art
This was the most effective way of making realistic roses that I could find after a brief search. It's lots of repeatative easy steps.
1 cut out circles, the video advises 4.5cm and 8 per flower but I neede a smaller flower so cut out 6 circles 3cm in diameter. These are then cut in half.

2. Sew the circles together overlapping each other halfway.

3. Gather the petals by pulling on the thread.

4. This results in a spiral that you roll from one end to the other like a Swiss roll and gluing as you go. I couldn't take a pcture of this as it takes two hands and can get messy!!!

Hey presto ...lovely little They have fairly flat bottoms which are perfect for gluing onto shrines.

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