Sunday, 29 December 2013

Crochet a long

The craft group I belong to is running a square/hexagon(or whatever shape you want really) a day 2014 blanket project on Facebook,I have decided to do Attic24s hexagon pattern(for the moment,I may mix it up later) 

Love this website,if you haven't checked it out yet,you should,lovely inspiring colours and projects and image heavy walkthroughs of patterns.
Have been naughty and started making hexagons already,in my defence am at my sons for Christmas and got wool as a present so am road testing both the wool and pattern,I bought spool knitting with me but there's only so much you can do before your arm wears out!!!
So here are my first attempts

Not perfect but not too bad,don't think they are all the same size and not sure how to sort that as they're all the same wool.hoping my tension will become more even the more I make. Haven't decided on a colour scheme yet for my actual blanket,tempted to go totally random,in which case these hexagons can be part of it,but how to avoid getting garish colour clashes?! Decisions decisions!!!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone,am busy making lots of spool knitted lengths for my next project....this spool knitter by prym is much faster than the usual knitting Nancy's in that it has a rotating handle and hooks that go up and down,catching and releasing the wool and basically doing the work for you,very addictive!!!

Luminous lengths of spool knitting,what will they become I wonder?......

Christmas crafting!!!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

More hats

More hats! Have been experimenting with different colour ways,love mixing different yarns together,the result is always a surprise!! bottom hat is waaaay brighter in real life,I didn't finish it til silly o'clock and took a picture in poor lighting. First hat with a flower on it,yay!!! 

Monday, 2 December 2013

Monkey spanner

Above picture is of me working out a crocheted spanner to go with a monkey I made for my partner. The spanner is my own pattern,the monkey is from my crochet gifts magazine mentioned in an earlier post. This was made for my partner as it was out three year anniversary of being together,it's a personal joke and he loves monkeys so knew he would love it,was initially going to prop the monkey up with the spanner somehow but at last minute decided would be better to sew him to it so he stands up well.


Been busy making hats recently,the hat at the top right is sporting a bobble instead of a pompom as my hands aren't strong enough to tie a tight safe pompom and I was worried they would fall to bits. I thought about and decided a large bobble would be better, will post more pics when get the chance but have been having fun finding fluffy looking wool to make bobbles with so they look like pom-poms!!also been experimenting with stripes.